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Tie-the-Knot in the rain.

This is the perfect day to begin a blog, a rainy Montana day. Mother Nature can sure throw a wrench into your event day, especially here is Montana. They say if you don't like the weather, wait around five minutes. I have actually seen all four seasons in one day here. It was a couple winters ago. It rained, blizzard, sun came out and was a balmy 68 degrees, in December!

While I may not be a born Montanan, I grew up in the Northeast where I have seen the same baffling weather conditions. When we say pray for the best, plan for the worst, we know what we are talking about.

Now, while folklore suggests it good luck to wed on a rainy day, I have been on the phone and replying to emails since early this morning with brides who are panic stricken because they did not have a backup plan. They insisted on having their wedding outside with the beautiful views of mountains and trees to now, beg and plead with me to supply them with a tent because they and their guests will get soaked.

It would have been a whole lot less stressful to have just booked a tent as a back up plan and lost your deposit if not needed, than panic because Mother Nature ruined YOUR Day. Let's figure if you were to have booked your backup plan in advance, a mere 25% deposit on a tent for 1600 square feet and up to 128 of people at tables, would have been about 400.00 for peace of mind. You will spend more than that on trinkets the guests will not take home or throw away when they get home. Or that extra anything, you will look back on and think "why did I buy that?".

Certain times of the year in the Flathead Valley book and confirm rentals a year in advance, the morning of your wedding is not the time to wish you had.

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